Molly Mogren Katt

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Why I Love Eleanor Roosevelt

That is what she said!

That is what she said!Today, I'd hoped to have a post ready all about why I think Eleanor Roosevelt is a badass.The thing is, my feelings about this woman are quite a bit deeper than I expected, and it's taking me a lot longer to put my thoughts into one neat post.So instead, I'm sharing one of her oh-so-famous and oh-so-true quotes.

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway. ”

— Eleanor Roosevelt

I guess if I had to sum up my feelings about ER succinctly, it would be this:Eleanor Roosevelt grew up an insecure "ugly duckling," who disliked her voice (literally), felt awkward in the limelight, and had a million reasons to sit back and blame all her problems on her crummy upbringing (and oh boy, was it bad!). But even though she was afraid and terribly uncomfortable being the voice of the nation, she did it anyway. In that courageous act, she changed the world.That's why I love Eleanor Roosevelt.