Molly Mogren Katt

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The #1 Person You Should Talk to This Holiday Season

Teenagers, they're just like you, but decades ago.

Teenagers, they're just like you, but decades ago.Every month, I send out a Hey Eleanor challenge (you can sign up here). I think it's important to practice living outside your comfort zone, and each week's email asks subscribers to try to incorporate a little Hey Eleanor-inspired activity into their everyday life. This week's challenge felt important to share with a broader audience. As you gather with friends and family this holiday season, please keep this idea in the back of your mind. Trust me, it's something you can squeeze in between downing mugs of egg nog and shoveling cookies into your face. Just try to wipe away the crumbs first .

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Remember junior high? I do.

It was very exciting.

You got your own locker! Gossip! More challenging classes (< nerd alert)! And so many new boys!

I also remember it being awful.

I hit puberty the day before seventh grade and gained 40 pounds in, like, three seconds. I got giant zits; wore ill-fitting clothes from Contempo and Goodwill, convinced I looked like a Shirley Manson/Drew Barrymore mashup; and believed 'being loud' was the best way to get boys to like me.It's a weird time for any kid.Fortunately, I had great friends, a supportive family and an emotional intelligence that always made me feel like I was worth something and things would get better, no matter what happened.

A lot of teenagers don't have that.

I'm reminded of a story of friend of mine recently shared. As a teen, he didn't have a lot of support at home. He felt useless and unloved, and truly believed no one would miss him if he were gone. So, he went to his room one night, took a bunch of Advil (or something OTC), and laid down, believing he wouldn't wake up. He did. His parents never knew. Aunts, uncles, friends... no one knew. He's one lucky SOB, because the intention was real.

Heartbreaking, right?

I've been thinking about this challenge for quite some time, and the holidays is the perfect opportunity to ask all of you to reach out to a teenager/young person. You're probably getting together with family, and there's probably someone between the ages of 12 - 18 (or hey, even someone in their late teens, early 20s!) who needs a reminder that they're loved, and that life gets better.You don't need to get all serious. Just take some time to sit down and ask them how they're doing. Maybe have them help you with a holiday task, or if they seem receptive, ask them to do something with you during the holiday break.

I double-dog dare you.

So here's your Hey Eleanor challenge: Talk to a teenager you care about. Even if it seems like they hate your guts, they won't stop looking at their phone or you feel like they aren't listening.If you want, share a little about the experience on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #HeyEleanor. (Change names to protect the innocent! Or whatever.)Smile 'cause you just practiced living outside your comfort zone & it feels real good.

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PS A few holiday-related posts: the classiest no-bake Christmas treat recipe, 2014's holiday capsule wardrobe, + our Christmas card from last year.



(plus a FREE copy of 107 Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone)

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