

My name isn’t Eleanor, it’s Molly. I’m a food, travel and adventure writer, entrepreneur, wife and mom living in Minneapolis. I like to do things that scare me & then write about it.

Let's Do This: Hey Eleanor Moments

Let's Do This: Hey Eleanor Moments

Declaration: I want the term "Eleanor" used in everyday conversation. Kind of like a "Baldwin" was a handsome guy in the 90s, I wanna hear someone I don't know talking about their "Hey Eleanor moment" (or maybe "pulling an Eleanor") when they do something scary. I think it could happen. Until then, here's a few places I found people pulling an Eleanor on the web. You should probably just check 'em out cause it's Friday and you're not really working anyhow.

1. The Crossroads of Should & Must

If this beautifully written & designed post doesn't make you sit back and really reflect on your life's purpose, I am a monkey's uncle!

2. An & Ria's #First Flight.

I laughed and cried watching these two 70-something women fly for the first time.

3. I'm Taking Sweetpea's Burlesque/Twerking Class. 

No, really. I am. Tuesday nights in Mpls. Who's coming with me?

4. Sharks.

And lastly, it turns out my biggest fear is totally, 100 percent justified!

My Last Week of Whole30... with Before & After Pics!

My Last Week of Whole30... with Before & After Pics!

#180 & 181. Sign Up for Two Races (Please join me???)

#180 & 181. Sign Up for Two Races (Please join me???)