

My name isn’t Eleanor, it’s Molly. I’m a food, travel and adventure writer, entrepreneur, wife and mom living in Minneapolis. I like to do things that scare me & then write about it.

So... We Got a Puppy.

So... We Got a Puppy.

Meet Warren, the Northside pup with a heart of gold (I hope).

Meet Warren, the Northside pup with a heart of gold (I hope).

Meet Warren, the Northside pup with a heart of gold (I hope).We got a puppy.

But I promise, we're not going to keep him.

Famous last words. I know. Which is precisely why I thought fostering a pup was a perfect Hey Eleanor challenge.We adopted my best gal, Patsy, from Pet Project Rescue about two years ago. She's the light of my life! If you follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, my blog or in real life, you know I'm a wee bit obsessed.Ever since we added Patsy (or as I call her for short, Patricia) to our clan, I've wanted to foster other rescues. So many doggies need temporary housing, and if someone wouldn't have been willing let Patsy stay with them, we'd never have her. We're paying it forward.

Meet Warren.

Adopt me & I will love you forever!

Adopt me & I will love you forever!

Adopt me & I will love you forever!Apparently, he's been roaming the streets for North Minneapolis for the last week. Though he's neutered and microchipped (but not registered), neighbors didn't seem to know where he came from. No tags, no collar, no nothing. PPR posted on Lost Dogs Minnesota, talked the Humane Society and no one seems to be looking for this guy.So he's staying with us for two weeks until he's cleared for adoption.Thus far, Warren has only peed in our house twice (and apparently puked on his way over). When he's not peeing, he's either playing with Patsy or sitting on my feet.

He sure is cute.

He's currently about 10-12 pounds and will probably top out around 25-30, though who even knows 'cause we don't know how old he is. Four months? Five? As for breed... maybe a shiba inu mix? Beats me.Looking to add a sweet dude to your family & you live in the Twin Cities? Check out PPR's website. Warren will be up there soon!In the meantime, I'll keep y'all up to date on Warren.

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