

My name isn’t Eleanor, it’s Molly. I’m a food, travel and adventure writer, entrepreneur, wife and mom living in Minneapolis. I like to do things that scare me & then write about it.

Links that Sucked Me Down the Rabbit Hole

Allen & Alinea = not only a fascinating project, but one that ends with an important lesson. Worth watching the 12 minute video. 

An epic yearbook photo prank that required the comedic patience of Andy Kauffman.

We might not have an English equivalent of the Danish term hygge, but I guarantee if you live anywhere cold and snowy, you know it when you see it. This winter's goal: have a little more hygge in my life. 

This guy really puts it all out there in such a real, brave, vulnerable way that I have no doubt that he's getting laid right this second. 

A thoughtful look into a year without alcohol from a former "light social drinker." 

Are you listening to the Serial podcast? If you're not, you should. And if you are, you might like this look at the show's most captivating aspect

These twins: creepy or sweet? You be the judge

And last but not least, it looks like I'm not the only one who geeked out over Ken Burns' series, The Roosevelts. 

Despise chewing and scraping sounds? You may have misophonia.

Despise chewing and scraping sounds? You may have misophonia.

#282 - 288. My Winter Capsule: Week One

#282 - 288. My Winter Capsule: Week One