Molly Mogren Katt

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Links I Love

A fine flock of broads.  A fine flock of broads.After staying up way past my bedtime last night (#Halloween), I'm patting myself on the back for mustering the energy to shower, order Vietnamese food and watch an edited for TV version of Pretty Woman. Some days, it's best to set the bar low.

Anyhow... here's some great stuff from the Internet.

Living an awesome life isn't always easy... but it's worth it.I'm on a de-crapifying kick. Getting rid of stuff is overwhelming, but is oh-so-satisfying. I found lots of inspiration in this NY Times article about Japanese decluttering guru Marie Kondo.New-ish blog alert. Love this collaboration of smart & funny Minnesota ladies.I don't really understand what to do with scarves, especially the big ones. Bookmarking this tutorial on 3 ways to wear a blanket scarf.Interesting read: why some stress might be good for you.Remember last week when I wished that more of today's horror movies were actually good? I found this list of new-ish scary flicks that purportedly deliver! Excited/nervous to check them out.

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