

My name isn’t Eleanor, it’s Molly. I’m a food, travel and adventure writer, entrepreneur, wife and mom living in Minneapolis. I like to do things that scare me & then write about it.

I Organized My Wardrobe Using the KonMari Method

I Organized My Wardrobe Using the KonMari Method

Yes, I am really folding my socks and underwear these days.

Yes, I am really folding my socks and underwear these days.

Not sexy at all.

Not sexy at all.

In retrospect, I should've cleaned off my dresser. Oh well, I am just a real person over here.

In retrospect, I should've cleaned off my dresser. Oh well, I am just a real person over here.

Clothes, clothes and more clothes.

Clothes, clothes and more clothes.

Do you see my jorts???

Do you see my jorts???

Can you spot the F#$K 'Em Bucky shirt?

Can you spot the F#$K 'Em Bucky shirt?

My clothes look like burritos!

My clothes look like burritos!

Everything all in one place.

Everything all in one place.



Goodwill, here we come!

Goodwill, here we come!

Yes, I am really folding my socks and underwear these days.I recently overhauled my bookshelves using the KonMari method of tidying up. The gist: only keep things that give you joy or are useful, and get rid of everything else. Japanese organizational guru Marie Kondo believes you tackle one category of items at a time (like all books at once, all clothes at once, all toiletries at once), physically piling all of said category on a table/bed/floor. Then, pick up each item, asking if it "sparks joy."I know that sounds hokey, but once you start doing it, you realize some things do spark joy, while others do nothing for you.Since my book project went so well, I decided to tackle my clothes.First stop? Socks, underwear, swimsuits and bras. Here's everything, piled on my bed: Not sexy at all.Now can socks or underwear spark joy? Of course! I own some underwear that I love wearing and others that I find to be uncomfortable, ugly or just downright old and embarrassing. Get rid of any pair you're ashamed to own (you know... like the ones leftover from high school), really cute ones that you never touch because they always give you a wedgie, or are simply worn out. You deserve to wear underwear you love, even no one else sees it (and especially if someone else is seeing it!).Now do the same with your socks (holes? Who cares if they're SmartWools, get rid of 'em!), bras/undergarments and swimwear.Done? Great. Now it's time to get folding.Yes, you're going to fold your underwear. Trust me, it's going to be incredibly satisfying. I could explain how to do such a thing, but I'll let Marie Kondo show you instead. She's a folding boss.See, isn't that satisfying? Here's the final product: In retrospect, I should've cleaned off my dresser. Oh well, I am just a real person over here.Next, it was on to t-shirts, tanks, jeans, sweaters, workout and lounge gear.... including off season stuff I'd stored in the basement during the winter. Kondo wants you to go through ALL of your clothes in your entire house at the same time. She also encourages you to keep off-season stuff in your closet (like sweaters) so you can stay reminded of what you have. I kept everything in my closet except extreme winter things, like my parka.Here's about half of my crap: Clothes, clothes and more clothes.I held each item, asking if it brought me joy. Here's what I ended up with.Long sleeved t-shirts, light sweaters, shorts and foldable skirts: Do you see my jorts???Workout t-shirts and tanks, plus regular t-shirts and tanks. Can you spot the F#$K 'Em Bucky shirt?Sweaters & sweatshirts on the left; pjs, workout pants and long sleeved gear (like long underwear) on the right. My clothes look like burritos!Lastly, here are my hangables and shoes. Everything all in one place. Shoesies!And even though I just got rid of a bunch of clothes last fall, I still had this much clothing that didn't spark joy. Goodwill, here we come!I did this project about two weeks ago, and while folding does take a little more time, it's helped me stay organized. I love opening my drawers and just marveling at how tidy and pretty my stuff looks. It's the little things!Next up? The kitchen. *gulp*

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Have you tried the KonMari method? Thoughts? PS here are my before and after photos from my book overhaul, plus pics from the last time I cleaned out my closet. I've come a long way, baby!

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