

My name isn’t Eleanor, it’s Molly. I’m a food, travel and adventure writer, entrepreneur, wife and mom living in Minneapolis. I like to do things that scare me & then write about it.

I Dyed My Eyelashes & It's Awesome!

I Dyed My Eyelashes & It's Awesome!


I so want to look put together, but always seem to fall short.For example, I love wearing a dark, rich lip, but always end up smearing it.Heels? A great idea, until I need to walk more than a block, which when I start weighing whether I'd rather deal with stepping barefoot on broken glass versus one more step in heels.And just once, I want to wear the perfect jeans and starched button down (or fancy cashmere sweater that I do not even own) with amazing heels while toting a fancy designer bag casually perched on my left forearm while shopping at a mall. Just once.Lastly, there's eye makeup. I can't apply it for crapola. Give me some eyeliner and I got from normal to Nancy Spungen in ten seconds, flat (not in a good way). Even if a professional applied the perfect smoky eye, I'd probably unintentionally rub my eyes and poof! Raccoon city.Day-to-day, my look is tinted moisturizer, a little blush or bronzer and mascara. However, even the mascara can end up biting me in the butt. Maybe I'm just wearing the wrong kind, but it always seems by day's end, I'm walking around with a dark makeup traces under my eyes. Makeup remover never seems to get the entire job done, either. I always wake up with a bit of yesterday on my face. Not cool!

Precisely why I decided to just dye my lashes.

I think the filter I used here makes my lashes look darker than they are in real-life.

I think the filter I used here makes my lashes look darker than they are in real-life.

It hurts to be beautiful. Or more accurately, stings just slightly.

It hurts to be beautiful. Or more accurately, stings just slightly.

I feel like a Kardashian! Just kidding, I don't.

I feel like a Kardashian! Just kidding, I don't.

No mascara, NBD.

No mascara, NBD.

Really, ZERO.

Really, ZERO.

The last time I had my eyebrows waxed, I inquired about lash tinting. My brow lady, Sandra, said she does it and had time to squeeze me in.I said to myself, What would Eleanor Roosevelt do? I'll bet she'd say no thanks (she was FLOTUS before Instagram, so...) , but would totally respect my decision to say yes. I think the filter I used here makes my lashes look darker than they are in real-life.Sandra had me close my eyes, then attached some sticky pads below my lower lids. These are meant to keep the dye off my skin.Next, she applied the dye to my lash line, stating it might sting just a little bit and whatever you do, do not open your eyes.Chemicals next to eyeballs = incentive to keep eyes closed. Spoiler alert: I did not go blind. It hurts to be beautiful. Or more accurately, stings just slightly.I waited ten minutes for the dye to do it's thing, Sandra regaling me with stories of bad dates. It was great.Next, she removed the dye, and I was left with black-black lashes that will last for at least five weeks. Apparently, the more you do it, the longer it lasts. I feel like a Kardashian! Just kidding, I don't.Here's me, one week later, SANS MAKEUP. No mascara, NBD. Really, ZERO.I was a little nervous about having chemicals to close to my eyeballs, but I think the results are worth it. Are chemicals near your eyeballs once every five to six weeks worse then applying them to your lashes every day? Who knows, and quite honestly, it's the low maintenance aspect that won me over. I'm a convert.

* * *

So fess up... what's the beauty service you splurge on? Where do I even begin-- haircuts every six weeks, facials with light peels, and now lash tinting. Oh, and shellac nails. Whatever, it all makes me feel like a million bucks.

PS Check out how Elizabeth Dehn turned her passion for beauty products into a budding empire; why airbrushed makeup is for the birds; and how going gray launched this amazing woman's modeling career.

BONUS VIDEO CONTENT: The time Sandra waxed my armpits. Not pretty, but pretty funny.

Hey Eleanor! I Have an Inferiority Complex!

Hey Eleanor! I Have an Inferiority Complex!

Hey Eleanor! I Quit Being an A-hole!

Hey Eleanor! I Quit Being an A-hole!