

My name isn’t Eleanor, it’s Molly. I’m a food, travel and adventure writer, entrepreneur, wife and mom living in Minneapolis. I like to do things that scare me & then write about it.

We're Honeymooning in Australia & New Zealand. Suggestions, Please!

We're Honeymooning in Australia & New Zealand. Suggestions, Please!

This is probably a picture of Hawaii or something, but it's how I imagine Australia looks. This is probably a picture of Hawaii or something, but it's how I imagine Australia looks.My hubby and I decided to wait a few months to take our honeymoon. Mainly because we wanted to go to Australia and mainly because when it's freezing cold in Minnesota, it's summer there. January on the beach sounds pretty damn good to a couple of midwesterners.We're still ironing out the details. All we know for sure is that we want to do both Australia and New Zealand and that we only have 16 days (including travel time). So a week in each spot. Based on the fact that Australia is enormous, we're limiting ourselves to one week in Brisbane and its surrounds.For week two, I think we're flying into Wellington or Christchurch, NZ and renting some sort of campervan, though we will not be staying in it every night. This is my honeymoon and there will be showers.

Things we for sure want to do:

  • See/snorkel/SCUBA the Great Barrier Reef (we think we can road trip to the southern tip of it from Brisbane)
  • A few days at a cool beach, relaxing and drinking things out of coconuts or something. I have it on good authority from two sources that Byron Bay is excellent.
  • At least one great hike in New Zealand. Doesn't need to be difficult, just pretty.
  • Maybe a visit a vineyard.
  • My guy really wants to see something from Lord of the Rings 'cause he's into that.

Any travel advice, things to avoid, stuff to do fer sher, we are ALL ears. Best advice gets to come with us!**no chance

#254-255. Why the Woods Freak Me Out.

#253. Someone Unplugged Our Freezer & Cleaning it was Disgusting.