Molly Mogren Katt

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#329. I'm Starting A New Hey Eleanor Project & I'm So Scared/Excited!

Watch out, world! Watch out, world!I don't know about you, but after this long holiday season, I am feeling like absolute poo.

Remember just two weeks ago when I declared I'm a morning person?

Well... who kidnapped that lady and replaced her with what could not, would not get out of bed today? I even fell asleep last night at 9 pm. My belly feels awful, my skin looks disgusting, my house is in shambles.I surely can't be the only one who's having trouble bouncing back, but this has been a great lesson in realizing that even when you think you've got everything all figured out, all it takes is a few non-routine days strung together to throw you into a tailspin.

But this is not what I wanted to tell you about today.

Today, I am doing starting something really fun and exciting and scary. Remember last November when I asked you to pitch me your own Hey Eleanor challenges? We got some really great submissions. My friend Matt Houchin and I are filming three Hey Eleanor web episodes in the next two months.Later today, I am meeting up with a very loyal Hey Eleanor reader to do something totally outside his comfort zone. The task? I can't tell you yet, but I will say it's something many of us do every day without much thought. But it's new to him, and so it's scary.

What scares me: a whole different set of unknowns.

Will things run smoothly? I'm not exactly comfortable on camera, so will I look like an idiot? Will I sound like an idiot? Will you be able to tell that I've literally eaten my weight in ginger snaps, baguettes and salted butter in the last two weeks? And the person we're filming is someone I love so, so much... I just really hope he's not disappointed with the final product.However, you never grow or learn or do anything cool if you don't step outside your comfort zone. I could write about my own life forever, contently. Taking it to the screen is way less familiar and makes me feel much more vulnerable. Eww! But if things go well, it could be a huge step in growing Hey Eleanor in the way I've dreamed. So I'm doing it.

Look for the final product on Feb 14, 2015.

Yep, Valentine's Day. Could that be a hint? Maybe.

* * *

Technically, I've done a few Hey Eleanor videos on my own. Here's my four favorites: the time I ate a live minnow, the time I disposed of a dead mouse, the time I waxed my armpits and the time I changed a diaper for the first time. Enjoy!