Molly Mogren Katt

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Links I Love: Halloween Edition

Halloween is the best! Here's a few reasons why.  Halloween is the best! Here's a few reasons why.Guess what holiday I love more than Halloween?

Trick question! There is no better holiday than Halloween!

Halloween is one of the only places in my life where I absolutely, 100-percent refuse to cut corners.For example: I never, ever, EVER rent or buy a pre-packaged costume. In my opinion, putting the costume together is way more fun than wearing it.Expect a post on some of my fave costumes later this week. 'Til then, here's some Halloweenie treats.

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Halloween treats for your ears! Halloween treats for your ears!Hosting a Halloween party (or carving pumpkins... or maybe just cleaning the house/cooking)? I made a Halloweenie Spotify playlist, including obvious favorites (Thriller, Monster Mash) and some legitimately spooky tunes (Red Right Hand by Nick Cave gives me nightmares!). Crank it!Think Halloween candy is special? Errr, not really. A short and sweet post (puns!) that resonated with me.But... if there was one candy that's special, this is it! So good & you can barely ever find it outside of trick-or-treating season.I'm assembling my annual scary movie round-up, but can't resist telling you that American Horror Story: Freak Show is by far the scariest thing I have watched all year. It's beautifully shot with great acting. But so creepy! Dare ya to watch it. Until then, the video above is one of the least creepy 12 second teasers I could find.Check out this list of awesome halloweenie stuff. Costumes, ghost stories & more!When it comes to recipes, Food & Wine can do no wrong. Here's their Halloween recipe round up.

You know what's scary?

That anyone would care this much about candles. You know what's scarier? I watched this 11-minute video twice... and wanted more. Damn you Jen from Bath & Bodyworks in Appleton, Wisconsin! By the way, Angela's rant video would be a great Halloween costume. Green Bay shirt, blue zip-up and of course, B&BW candles (if you can find them!).

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If you like these links, you might like following me on Twitter & Instagram, where I'm always sharing the coolest, scariest, funnest stuff I find on the web. See ya there & Happy Halloween!