Molly Mogren Katt

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It's Really This Easy to Join the National Bone Marrow Registry

Last month, I swabbed my cheek & possibly changed a complete stranger's life.

Operated by the National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP), Be The Match has managed the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world. These guys are dedicated to saving lives through transplant.BTM connects donors with folks who need life-saving bone marrow transplants (people diagnosed with lymphoma, leukemia and other blood cancers; diseases which result in bone marrow failure and immune system or genetic diseases). Once registered as a potential donor, you have something like a 1 in 500+ chance of actually donating marrow.Obviously, the scary part is being that one in 500+ that finds themselves going under the knife (or whatever they use) on behalf of a complete stranger.From what I understand, the donation process involves a surgical procedure that removes marrow from your pelvic bone. It's typically an out-patient thing and requires about a week of recovery time. But really, what's the worst case scenario? I get selected and potentially SAVE someone's life?

That sounds amazing.

And who knows, maybe I (or someone I know) would need a donor one day.After an easy application process on their website, BTM sent me a tissue typing kit in the mail.The kit included four swabs. All I had to do was swab my cheek, place swabs in the foam holder, then simply seal in the provided (postage included) envelope and drop in a mailbox. Check out my video at the top of this post. Stupidly easy, right?Swab your cheek, Save someone's life. Sign up here

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