

My name isn’t Eleanor, it’s Molly. I’m a food, travel and adventure writer, entrepreneur, wife and mom living in Minneapolis. I like to do things that scare me & then write about it.

#60. Adding More to my Plate.

#60. Adding More to my Plate.

Me & my Beyonce at the Fountainebeau in Miami. If you like to throw away your money on mediocrity with great fervor, stay here! If not, stay down the street at the Raleigh. Me & my Beyonce at the Fountainebeau in Miami. If you like to throw away your money on mediocrity with great fervor, stay here! If not, stay down the street at the Raleigh.It's Thanksgiving & much like the rest of you, I am adding more to my plate, literally (can you really ever have too much stuffing?) and figuratively. I am officially one of MSP Magazine's Real Bride bloggers. I'll be supplying them with all the nitty, gritty details of our wedding planning process twice a month, which may or may not be over-extending myself... (I'm 57 percent certain it's may, but whatever!). It freaks me out to be taking on another task, especially since it is writing-heavy, but I think chronicling our journey will be fun. From the tears I shed in our kitchen the other night over how much I "don't know what to do," to planning our amazing honeymoon to Wilmar, MN (I kid, I kid... I think), it'll be fun to look back on these days probably at some point. And maybe I will get a great deal on linens or photos or something.Happy Thanksgiving kids!

#61-62. Visit a Bathhouse (& Plunge in an Ice Cold Pool).

#61-62. Visit a Bathhouse (& Plunge in an Ice Cold Pool).

Here's What Happened When 20 Women Stopped Wearing Makeup

Here's What Happened When 20 Women Stopped Wearing Makeup